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Turtle, Ecuador


Your Words – We tell it like it is! Holiday Reviews by previous Exodus travellers  

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A really enjoyable holiday that exceeded expectations. This trip goes to places where there are few western tourists and you feel you are getting to know the real India – combined with great weather and fantastic food.

Most Inspirational Moment

Hard to pick just one - the highlights included - the elephant festival we attended near Guruvayor; the descent through the Western Ghats and the food which just gets better and better.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Pete was an excellent group leader - knowledgeable and experienced with a laid back approach. He went the extra mile to ensure that we all enjoyed the holiday.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Don't bother taking money to exchange - there are ATMs at numerous points along the trip and you get a much better exchange rate than when exchanging cash. There is an ATM at the airport. 


Terrific fun – a great winter holiday in the snow. Hotel Adler brilliant too.

Most Inspirational Moment

The views from the peaks we conquered were truly exceptional. Sledging down a mountain on our "day off" from snowshoeing was also a memorable experience.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Karl was a very good leader - always trying to ensure we had a good time and got the most out of the holiday.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Snowshoeing is a great activity for people who enjoy trekking. It's easy to pick up and allows walkers to keep going in the snow, while rediscovering their childhood. Proper winter clothes are essential - especially really good gloves, as temperatures can typically be around minus 8 or 9 celsius.


It's true what they say – nothing will prepare you for Antarctica.  Not just in the don't-forget-the-sunscreen sort of preparation but the sheer beauty, wildness and silence of the place.  The ship, although it was only the second trip it had done for Quark, was brilliant and we honestly couldn't fault the crew, food, comfort (except we didn't have a window: if you're offered cabin 330 on the Sea Spirit, ask to change it!) and overall planning and preparation for the trip. The trip leaders oozed enthusiasm, they were knowledgeable and were able to make last-minute alterations to the schedule to allow us to make the most of every glorious moment of this holiday.  I doubt if I will go to Antarctica again, but if I could, I would go again with Exodus and Quark.  The free coat was pretty cool too.  Only downside was the long journey with the stop at Sao Paulo and the overnight at Ushuaia.  Aerolineas Argentinas was delightfully quirky but Exodus had the foresight to allow plenty of transfer time so we didn't miss any connections.  And a special "thank you" to their out-of-hours service (and in-hours service too!) for sorting out a couple of minor hitches with all efficiency and politeness.

Most Inspirational Moment

The moment in Paradise Bay when they cut the engine of the Zodiac, the camera shutters stopped and the silence was absolute.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Brilliant.  A very people-person, knowledgeable, very safety conscious, and unfailing enthusiasm.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Take lots of layers.  We had sunshine and no wind and boiled in our thermals.  Take your swimming costume - it may well be needed.  And don't forget the sunscreen.


An absolutely amazing trip that surpassed all expectations. The cabin was bigger than expected, the food great, the wildlife plentiful and close, the crew were friendly, organisation was superb and there was so much to do I didn't even get to read my book!

Most Inspirational Moment

My Highlights were a 2hr Zodiac cruise amongst the ice seeing some most amazing formations.The polar plunge .. where I jumped off the gangway into the Antarctic waters and was pulled back in again by Sergi the Russian sailor.Landing on my Seventh continent on Christmas Day and then celebrating later with a barbecue on the back deck.Watching the Humpback whales from the ship with the Captain making awesome maneuvers to make sure we got the best shots.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The group leader and her team were incredible. They were all very knowledgeable and passionate about their jobs. They created a very relaxed atmosphere on the ship and nothing seemed too much trouble.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Do it!  Book early if you want to do any of the extra activities. I regret not picking a longer trip that went to South Georgia. I had an extra week in Patagonia walking and visiting the Purto Moreno Glacier which was awesome.


Kili climbing… was certainly one of a kind life experience. The perfect conditions to challenge yourself and find your inner peace and strenght. It is hard to describe really, you have to live it to understand it!

Most Inspirational Moment

I loved most of the days, especially being so close to nature. If I had to chose a moment, obviously the summit day (actually night) is pretty mindblowing. After walking up for 5 hours in the dark, when our guide told me 'don't lose your confidence sister' and kindly carried my backpack, 2 hours before reaching Uhuru peak, I suddendly felt an adrenaline kick, and wings growing in my feet...

Thoughts on Group Leader

Our group leader was extremely responsible, he knew so much about the mountain, and was great in managing the team and bringing everybody together. The 2 other guides were amazing as well, both wise and professional and yet super friendly and cheerful. We had so much fun. I must also add that our guides' mountain gear was much better than those of many other trekking companies we found on the way, showing they take good care of their staff.

Advice for Potential Travellers

Lemosho route is definetely the best to reach the peak as you spend several extra days on the mountain just to acclimatise in preparation for the summit ascent. It is also really enjoyable since you leave from a beautiful pine forest, and arrive through a lovely tropical forest, so you get a lot of variety.Trust your guides! Drink loads, walk slowly, it is not a competition! Bring a camel bag, as it is the only way to drink enough as you walk to meet the 4-5L water requirement/day.Also, I was happy I had hired a matress through Exodus as they were much thicker than those you get in mountain shops,  they also isolate better from the cold. Honestly,  I slept like a baby every night.For the summit ascent: bring loads of snacks, better liquid (energy gels for instance) as the cereal bars and chocolate will freeze. An ipod is also great as the summit ascent can get a bit monotonous when you are walking for hours in the dark and personally music kept me going..Keep all electrical equipment next to you body every night (in your sleeping bag) and during the final ascent so the batteries don't freeze. There is signal on the top so you can send text to family and friends to tell them you have reached the top!


A fantastic opportunity to get to the top of the highest mountain in Africa.   It is amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.  This trip is possible for anyone with reasonable fitness and a bucket load of determination; as the final night slog up the hill is mentally hard – keeping focussed is the key.  The guides were extremely helpful throughout the trip and we wouldn’t have succeeded without them.

Most Inspirational Moment

Getting to the top of Kilimanjaro; beyond words.Though looking back on the trip, I would say the guides assistance in getting to the top was inspirational in that they provided excellent support (getting water, warming hands up, doing jackets up) but didn't verbally encourage you to go on, but did so through their patience and just being there.  Perfect for such a challenge.

Thoughts on Group Leader

The group was good and organised the trip well.

Advice for Potential Travellers

My partner and I found taking diamox helped us prevent severe headaches.  Drink loads of water, it helps. Take immodium in case the combination of altitude, water and food make you ill.  Be mentally prepared for the last day by being focussed on what you want to achieve; it is possible.


A great trip. Getting off the beaten track in India, riding through small villages and along back roads, provided an opportunity to see India away from any other visitors. The welcome from the people of India, just riding past them, was amazing and completely unexpected. Some great cycling, and a very well constructed trip.

Most Inspirational Moment

The long descent from Ooty is an amazing ride - mile after mile of sweeping turns, with amazing views amongst the tea plantations. 

Thoughts on Group Leader

The group leader has created a great trip, that blends some tough cycling (a very steep climb half way through the trip) with some easy and relaxing days (especially on the houseboats - which are lovely by the way). We also experienced some great food. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

While there are 1-2 long cycling days these are taken at a modest pace. Most people of moderate fitness could do this trip and really enjoy it. 


A lot of travelling but well worth it to see such variety,  and so interesting. The minibus a bit crowded and the first not very welcoming.

Most Inspirational Moment

The Berber people.Gorge walkingDesert trip

Thoughts on Group Leader

Super and kind

Advice for Potential Travellers

Go go go


I consider myself pretty well travelled, but this was by far the best holiday I’ve ever been on. The organisation and planning was first class, aided by an excellent guide with local knowledge of the best cycle routes, eateries, hotels and cultural treasures. We hardly saw any other tourists for the majority of the trip which gave the sense of experiencing ‘real’ Indian life. The scenery was diverse and made every day seem like a new adventure, passing through the hustle and bustle of towns, quiet rural villages, tea plantations, coastal tracks and tranquil backwaters. The only constant was a chorus of greetings from excited local children, which seemed to follow us wherever we went. Despite being an active holiday, I found the balance between physical exertion and relaxation to be well planned. The houseboat experience was particularly therapeutic and reminded me how important it is to take some time to unwind whilst away. All in all an amazing adventure that I’d strongly recommend to anyone.


I kept thinking, "it can’t get any better", but it did!

Most Inspirational Moment

 The 2200m steady descent from Ooty was spectacular. It was quite cool when we set off in the early morning and, after a few undulating miles through the Nilgiri Hills, we glided down through a range of climate zones to palm trees and the warmth of the plain. It was 5 hours of non-pedaling bliss with far too many temptations to capture the stunning scenery on camera. Another of the many highlights was the ride from chaotic Mysore to Bandipur National Park. On quiet country lanes, we were introduced, for the fist time, to rural life in India and jubilant greetings from dozens of children. This became a regular and heart-warming feature during the trip. It really is a different world in these small villages and cycling enabled us to see this at close quarters.Peter, our leader, managed to arange a cycle run to a Hindu festival and this was simply mind-blowing with a dozen elephants adorned in spectacular colours, huge bands of Keralan drummers and horn players and dancers supporting massive colourful spinning wheels. This was Hinduism at it's most vibrant! I heard that they manage to find a such a festival on most trips.

Thoughts on Group Leader

Peter was a suberb and confident leader with a huge bank of useful knowledge about the country. He was pleasantly laid back and there was no experience of being too organised; a problem among some leaders.Joseph, his co leader, was a delightful and considerate Indian guy and quite new to the job. He was invaluable as well as being a strong and fast cyclist. 

Advice for Potential Travellers

When we first met as a group, two of the major concerns were, cycling in the chaotic traffic and the climb to Ooty. These were also my worries.Don't worry about the traffic.  Things may seem a bit chaotic and your intrusion is just one tiny additional element to the scene. Drivers seem to cope well with all this; they are masters at judging your speed and avoiding you. Cycling through towns becomes a breeze eventually. Try to keep 3 metres away from the edge of the road and mantain a decent distance from the cyclist or vehicle in front of you. There's an abundance of pot holes and speed bumps in the towns and drivers tend to stop suddenly and without warning to negotiate these. Cyclists can be vulnerable in these circumstances, so the most important piece of advice in my view is to keep your distance, particularly in the small towns.The climb to Ooty is not a race even though an element of male and female machismo emerges at times! Some walked or grabbed a lift in the support mini bus for all or part of the climb. Others did it ever so slowly. Believe me, nobody cares a jot or tittle if you don't cycle to the top. It's a holiday, not a competition.